
November 10, 2023
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Art Pieces by Emily

Soul Journey: I painted this piece shortly after I started sitting with medicine. This marked a very pivotal chapter in my journey as represented by the book.

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October 13, 2022
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Viper Vision Poem by Allison

Fiercely she fixes her gaze to mine, awakening awareness within. Sensitivity is her superpower. Intimately she invites and initiates my consciousness to co-crea

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February 3, 2022
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The Wisdom in the Cup by Alicja

I realized that quite often one cup of the magic brew replaced the books, the papers, the news

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October 13, 2021
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Anna's Transformational Art

I did 'Cinematic Butterfly' the day after my first medicine ceremony. And 'Caterpillar and butterfly' a week later.

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October 12, 2021
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Cosmic Womb by Olena

A pack of crayons and a foam board and 2 hours resulted in attached image.

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October 12, 2021
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Little Eagle Book by Edin

Little Eagle is a beautifully illustrated book

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October 12, 2021
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Iulia's Art

I never knew there is a hidden gem inside me, waiting to be discovered and polished. We all have that in us. We just have to tap into it.

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October 12, 2021
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Edin's Poem

My latest poem I LOVE MY LIFE, describes so well how I feel about myself and my life today.

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We are an organization whose primary purpose is to support the expansion of consciousness of each human being and to educate them in the maintenance of healthy lifestyles. We welcome all paths and all spiritual traditions.

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