Our purpose is to expand the consciousness of each individual to support them to reach their highest potential as a healthy human being.

The expansion of consciousness is fundamental to our two main purposes in our organization. The first is to support each person to have the most profound experience of life as possible. The second is for each person to create the greatest possible positive impact on society. The purpose of “Truth is One” is to experience truth in its highest form. The peaceful coexistence among individuals of varying faith traditions and across cultures and continents is a positive side effect of this experience. Other benefits include providing solutions to conflicts between people, organizations, and governments of different faith backgrounds. Our purpose is to help people engage with life in such a way that they are fully involved and completely conscious. When this level of involvement occurs, joy and peace become natural states of being. A joyful and peaceful existence is not our goal, it is our foundation. With this type of spiritual path, we support our community to heal the root causes of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual illness. We support individuals experiencing PTSD, depression, anxiety, addictions, and chronic stress. We provide techniques, methods, resources and services to bring the healthy lifestyle back and promote one's wellbeing. We are creating a spiritual community that is welcoming to every single human being seeking truth in its various names and forms.

We are an organization whose primary purpose is to support the expansion of consciousness of each human being. We welcome all paths and all traditions. Our organization derives its name from a very old and well known proverb from the Hindu Vedas originating in India; "Truth is one, sages call it by various names." It is derived from Rig Veda Samhita 1.164.46.

This statement encompasses our beliefs as an organization, mainly, that there are many paths and philosophies that ultimately lead each person to the same ultimate reality. Our organization stresses the importance of spiritual experience, not merely belief.

The Truth is One Organization has been welcoming consciousness explorers from all over the world. Our nondogmatic experiential approach allows anyone to pursue their own personal exploration of human consciousness.

We support each parishioner's spiritual path by being completely inclusive. Every human being is welcome to become part of our community. We know that by expanding the consciousness of each individual through prayer and meditation we can create a more harmonious inner experience of life, thus creating a more peaceful world for ourselves and others.

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Spiritual Director, IFS accredited Coach and Founder of The Truth is One Organization

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Facilitator, Integration, Psycho-Somatic Coach, Wellness Practitioner, Entrepreneur...

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Facilitator, Integration, Spiritual Emergence, Relationships, Addiction & Recovery Coach, Director of Operations at The Truth is One, Entrepreneur...

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Facilitator, Integration Coach and Space Holder, Artist, Entrepreneur...

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Longtime Educator, Facilitator, Yoga Teacher and Wellness Coach

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Health and Wellness Coach, Integration Coach, Naturopathic Doctor, Musician

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Entrepreneur, Yoga and Meditation Teacher

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Practitioner, Vision Quest and Rights of Passage Facilitator

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We are an organization whose primary purpose is to support the expansion of consciousness of each human being and to educate them in the maintenance of healthy lifestyles. We welcome all paths and all spiritual traditions.

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