
Maestra Editya, I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your wisdom and time last week. I am seeing things so clearly and connecting with myself more than ever in my life. I do stuff and am so grateful for the reminder of how important this is in our lives. I am a go getter and will be taking all my Shakti to live the life I deserve and want.
Ashley 03/18/2024
I had the pleasure of participating in the breathwork session last Sunday, and it was truly incredible. I'd like to express my immense gratitude to Maestra Aditya and her entire team for the positive energy they radiate and the transformative experiences they provide for people's spirits.
Khrystyna 02/21/2024
Words cannot describe the abundance of joy and gratitude I hold in my heart after last night's ceremony. Thank you to this entire team and community for welcoming me into your space to allow me to embark on this transformative journey. I am beyond grateful!
Lindsay 01/15/2024
Alicja, Aditia, Renyia, Damien… everyone else, What an incredible journey this past weekend! So many lessons have come to me during the course of the weekend and the days following as I’ve integrated my experience. I felt so much love and connection toward myself, Mother Earth, God, each of you, and the community as a whole. I am so thankful to you. A quick highlight of some of the lessons I have learned - how to shift focus rather than getting stuck in focus, how to present myself with my full being as I interact with others, how to say “yes” to a full life, how to not question my desires and needs and instead just GO FOR IT! I am feeling so much love for myself in a way that I have never known!!!! I could go on and on. You are all so special to me and I am truly lucky. Thank you!!!!!
Daniel 01/05/2024
"The stars aligned at the right moment in time and I was privileged to participate in one of the ceremonies with Davi, Maestra Aditya and others. Noone can describe what you will go through, nor will they try. But in a few hours of intense experience, I started to understand why I was "broken", gaining some understanding for what had caused it and at the end, I was able to exhale, forgive myself, or at least start to, and step back into the light from the darkness I've been in for 30 years. Everything until that ceremony was building up to this point. I have so much more to discover, but I can now live and breathe easier, dream cleaner, worry less. This place will give you what you don't even know you need. Take a chance and free your mind, body and spirit.
During my first experience with Kambo medicine, Annie's care and guidance were fully present before, during, and after the medicine was administered. The medicine itself gave way for transformation as it offered a release path for negative energy trapped inside my body. The nature of Kambo medicine taught me how body and spirit are connected. I would like to take Kambo medicine into practice in conjunction with other spiritual medicines and practices going forward.
My journey is one of healing past traumas, accepting my emotional and interpersonal landscape, self-discovery, new growth, and transformation on multiple levels - mind, body, and spirit. I am realizing that my irritability, anxiety, fearfulness, loneliness, and my desire to cover it all up with a smile all stem from a sense of emptiness inside. This emptiness I have felt profoundly is slowly filling, and is happening on a spiritual level... I am learning that it is ALL within. While harvesting is the fun part, cultivating is the important part. I'm learning how to do that and The Truth Is One is my mentor. The Truth Is One community, facility, medicines, practices, and spiritual leadership all come together to form a truly unique opportunity for a harmonious journey of enlightenment.
"You don't have to do anything right now, just breathe." Alicja calmly told me across the computer screen. This was five weeks after my first sacred divine tea journey in over 5 years, and I was a complete mess. I had finally reached out to Alicja to say I was struggling post ceremony-and not just struggling-I felt like my entire life had fallen apart. In the few months since I had resumed going to ceremony, the "love of my life" had dumped me, I had been forcibly rotated from a job position I genuinely enjoyed for doing the ethical thing, and I had stumbled into the what appeared to be the worst depression of my life. I really did not know what to do. Oh and I was going to Mexico for a week with the option to sit in more ceremony. I remember staring back at her looking at Alicja like she was crazy. What did she mean just breathe and how could I sit still and trust that I didn't have to do anything? I had to do something-my life was falling apart. "It hurts to breathe." I cried back. And it literally did. Each breath seemed empty and pointless. I had been down this road of depression before, and it was entirely too painful to claw my way out of it. I just didn't have the energy. But Alicja patiently listened to me cry, and assured me that I wasn't going crazy, that breaking apart was necessary to create a life I wanted. She supported me through my Mexico trip with such genuine kindness that I felt safe and held. But more than just the coaching, she started teaching me how to integrate myself in community again. I had been an island for most of my life, and she threw me a lifeline, or ten lifelines to be more accurate.She picked up on things that brought me joy when I couldn't. She patiently called me out on my projections and helped me work through them. I returned back, and sat in ceremony every chance it was offered for the next two months. It was brutal. Accessed wounds that I had no intention of ever visiting. But what was intriguing was that I was growing increasingly comfortable with sitting still and breathing each time. After two back to back ceremonies, I wanted to sit still and do nothing for the first time in my life. Not only was it not uncomfortable, it was what I wanted to do. The feeling didn't stay though, and there I was a few weeks later, in a coaching session, having another breakdown. And after each ceremony, there I was, asking for guidance as to how to proceed, because I wasn't understanding how to integrate the lessons. Alicja, calmly and assuredly guided me through each step-helping me decipher the messages that came, until I returned to a point where I could start deciphering them for myself. Five months after several ceremonies and integration coaching sessions, here I am, comfortably sitting still and breathing. Learning the balance between non action and action. Trusting not only the universe enough, but myself enough to relinquish control...sometimes. Here I am, not worrying about proving my worth to those around me by working on everything I can like a chicken with her head cut off. I'm sitting still, even amidst chaos, and intentionally creating the opportunities I want in my life, without letting desperation guide me. It's not easy, but I have hope again. And I doubt I could have found that hope without the help of both the ceremonies and the integration coaching.
Coaching with Jessica was incredible. She has a warmth and calmness that immediately put me at ease. I found it very easy to open up in our sessions - she has an amazing ability to be present, is insightful with her powerful questions and is both challenging and supportive. I was amazed by her ability to pick up on what I was saying at an emotional level - digging deep with her questioning. I felt that we covered a huge distance in a very short space of time and valued every bit of the journey. Thank you so much Jessica.
Alicja is a great and supportive coach who knows how to listen and help to integrate experiences. Always the point with her suggestions and advices. Contemplative in her nature brings peaceful atmosphere today to the table.
Damian, has strong male energy who grounds and supports the space during ceremonies with his unique character. Always open for encouraging and comforting conversation before and after experiences.
It was an honor and pleasure to work with Alicja for integration and transformational coaching. She has a way of getting right to heart of the matter and supporting me to step in to the highest version of myself for that issue. She is creative and straightforward and does an excellent job of holding space for me while I am processing something or trying to figure it out. I definitely recommend working with Alicja when integrating after a psychedelic journey or healing. Her patience and honesty have helped me so much while I was going through huge life changes over the last year.
Renyia is kind and genuine spirit who always make sure the space is well prepared and everyone gets what they need and moment. Her stillness and meditative character brings uniqueness to the space.
Working with Roman is a pure pleasure. Intuitive, loving, supportive medicine man who always guides to the right track by standing by your side whenever needed. Together with medicine helped me to get rid of accumulated emotions, and strengthen my appreciation for life.
It’s hard to describe how it is to work with Maestra Edyta. It has to be experienced to be understood. As a medicine women she is intense yet genuine, rigorous yet loving and caring, always helpful and understanding. She creates safe space free of judgment, so everyone can feel their own comfort to the fullest. Because of her and medicine I found peaceful home within myself.
My second home. I feel safe, understood and unconditionally accepted by the people that make the ceremonies happen to the people participating in them. Truly a place of pure intention, focus and care. A place and people that transform me into the person I never imagined I am, which makes me very grateful and happy in my heart I can be a part of.
Roman did a wonderful job of establishing a safe, inviting setting. My apprehension notwithstanding, my experiences in the ceremonies conducted by him were incredible, and allowed me to leave with a larger perspective, and with a renewed gratitude for being alive.
Words cannot describe how enriched and healing my inner child feels spending time with Edyta, Alanna, Roman and all of the special healers I have met. The medicine is gentle, firm and revealing of exactly where it wants me to see. The energy at Edyta’s scared temple is something so special and meaningful that only you can describe by sharing it yourself. I am forever changed and evolving.
Words can not describe how truly grateful I am to Edyta and her team. This was the most profound and life-changing experience. It was the start of a beautiful transformation. I am still applying all the teachings and insights and it made my life so much better. Thank you from the bottom of my heart my beautiful spiritual family.
I've worked with Allison for several months now. Not only is she very knowledgeable and extremely thorough, she is also truly compassionate and supportive and willing to meet you wherever you are in your journey. Even the questions she's asking during the appointment have prompted me to pay more attention to how my body communicates with me, and live more intuitively. Her passion for aligning your physical wellbeing with mental and spiritual aspects is obvious and so inspiring. Thanks to her guidance and homeopathic support, I already see improvements with the specific health concern I had, but what's more, I feel more balanced overall as Allison makes it a point to address you as a whole, not just focus on one organ and its symptoms. I absolutely recommend working with Allison to anyone who wants to have a supportive, compassionate and knowledgeable naturopath on their team!
Alicja helped me to integrate the most profound journey that shifted my whole life after using plant medicine. She helped me understand my behaviors, my patterns, and simply myself better. After a session with her I felt lighter, more grounded and centered. I also regained focus and more understanding of what was going on in my life. I would recommend Alicja to anyone who needs help integrating and understanding plant medicine journeys.
Working with Jessica has been a game-changer for me....Because of her gentle guidance and uncanny ability to connect the dots, I have been able to....weave my family, wellbeing, and ambitions together into the most inspiring and intricate tapestry. She held my hand and my heart...Thank you Jessica for your warmth, your care, and your incredible skill as an Executive Coach for normal people with big dreams.
Allison is one of the most compassionate and professional practitioners I have ever worked with. She actively listened to all my health concerns and offered support which did not hinder my lifestyle. Not only did I seek out Allison for her naturopathic expertise, but also for her homeopathic and holistic counseling knowledge. She educated me on different aspects of my health and answered all of my questions without looking down at me (which is something I have experienced numerous times with doctors in the past), and most importantly she never judged me on anything I have said. Her level of professionalism is outstanding. Allison made me feel safe and heard during every appointment. I highly recommend her to anyone who is looking for a naturopathic consult!
Allison has played an integral part in my spiritual journey. Her coaching and ability to help navigate building awareness have had a profound impact on my life.
Someone close to me suggested I try Kambo as a spiritual energy cleanse after a tough time I was going through. I must say that the 5 times now that I have participated in a Kambo ceremony with Alanna the medicine has gone deeper and deeper on not only a spiritual level but a physical level. I have been able to stop my allergy medication and sleep medication as well control some unhealthy eating habits. Kambo has opened my awareness to aspects of myself that I was not willing to face and it has helped me face emotional blocks in my life in a more clear way. It has been such a beautiful medicine for me it will continue to be a part of my spiritual journey. I am forever grateful for Alanna.
I feel so grateful that Alanna has been my ally in healing for the past several years. She is a force of positivity and healing. Her expertise and thirst for learning and sharing her wisdom has helped me change decades of negative patterns and live a life of greater awareness and freedom. Change has not been easy; nevertheless, she continues to be a well of support, caring, and inspiration to persevere in my journey.
I’ve had the privilege of working with Maestra Aditi for many years. She works with great integrity, deep compassion and a fierce and fearless ability to uncover and heal the shadow aspects within our psyche and Spirit. Through my work with her I have healed deep trauma and grown by leaps and bounds, both mentally and spiritually, all while feeling fully seen and supported. We are blessed to have her loving presence among us.
Edyta holds space in a particular way that makes me feel both safe and also challenged to move through and confront difficult, deep pain and trauma. She's not afraid to get her hands dirty and to support in whatever way you need at the moment. She has the strength and authority to manage the ceremony, (to be in charge and keep a safe container) and yet also has such sensitivity and humility to allow medicine to speak though her, to gently direct and shift the things that surface during the journey. Her guidance is a vital component of my experience with medicine.
During my first experience with Kambo medicine, Annie's care and guidance were fully present before, during, and after the medicine was administered. The medicine itself gave way for transformation as it offered a release path for negative energy trapped inside my body. The nature of Kambo medicine taught me how body and spirit are connected. I would like to take Kambo medicine into practice in conjunction with other spiritual medicines and practices going forward.
Someone close to me suggested I try Kambo as a spiritual energy cleanse after a tough time I was going through. I must say that the 5 times now that I have participated in a Kambo ceremony with Alanna the medicine has gone deeper and deeper on not only a spiritual level but a physical level. I have been able to stop my allergy medication and sleep medication as well control some unhealthy eating habits. Kambo has opened my awareness to aspects of myself that I was not willing to face and it has helped me face emotional blocks in my life in a more clear way. It has been such a beautiful medicine for me it will continue to be a part of my spiritual journey. I am forever grateful for Alanna.
I feel so grateful that Alanna has been my ally in healing for the past several years. She is a force of positivity and healing. Her expertise and thirst for learning and sharing her wisdom has helped me change decades of negative patterns and live a life of greater awareness and freedom. Change has not been easy; nevertheless, she continues to be a well of support, caring, and inspiration to persevere in my journey.
Edyta holds space in a particular way that makes me feel both safe and also challenged to move through and confront difficult, deep pain and trauma. She's not afraid to get her hands dirty and to support in whatever way you need at the moment. She has the strength and authority to manage the ceremony, (to be in charge and keep a safe container) and yet also has such sensitivity and humility to allow medicine to speak though her, to gently direct and shift the things that surface during the journey. Her guidance is a vital component of my experience with medicine.
Alicja, Aditia, Renyia, Damien… everyone else, What an incredible journey this past weekend! So many lessons have come to me during the course of the weekend and the days following as I’ve integrated my experience. I felt so much love and connection toward myself, Mother Earth, God, each of you, and the community as a whole. I am so thankful to you. A quick highlight of some of the lessons I have learned - how to shift focus rather than getting stuck in focus, how to present myself with my full being as I interact with others, how to say “yes” to a full life, how to not question my desires and needs and instead just GO FOR IT! I am feeling so much love for myself in a way that I have never known!!!! I could go on and on. You are all so special to me and I am truly lucky. Thank you!!!!!
Daniel 01/05/2024
I’ve had the privilege of working with Maestra Aditi for many years. She works with great integrity, deep compassion and a fierce and fearless ability to uncover and heal the shadow aspects within our psyche and Spirit. Through my work with her I have healed deep trauma and grown by leaps and bounds, both mentally and spiritually, all while feeling fully seen and supported. We are blessed to have her loving presence among us.
Edyta holds space in a particular way that makes me feel both safe and also challenged to move through and confront difficult, deep pain and trauma. She's not afraid to get her hands dirty and to support in whatever way you need at the moment. She has the strength and authority to manage the ceremony, (to be in charge and keep a safe container) and yet also has such sensitivity and humility to allow medicine to speak though her, to gently direct and shift the things that surface during the journey. Her guidance is a vital component of my experience with medicine.
I feel so grateful that Alanna has been my ally in healing for the past several years. She is a force of positivity and healing. Her expertise and thirst for learning and sharing her wisdom has helped me change decades of negative patterns and live a life of greater awareness and freedom. Change has not been easy; nevertheless, she continues to be a well of support, caring, and inspiration to persevere in my journey.
Edyta holds space in a particular way that makes me feel both safe and also challenged to move through and confront difficult, deep pain and trauma. She's not afraid to get her hands dirty and to support in whatever way you need at the moment. She has the strength and authority to manage the ceremony, (to be in charge and keep a safe container) and yet also has such sensitivity and humility to allow medicine to speak though her, to gently direct and shift the things that surface during the journey. Her guidance is a vital component of my experience with medicine.
Alicja, Aditia, Renyia, Damien… everyone else, What an incredible journey this past weekend! So many lessons have come to me during the course of the weekend and the days following as I’ve integrated my experience. I felt so much love and connection toward myself, Mother Earth, God, each of you, and the community as a whole. I am so thankful to you. A quick highlight of some of the lessons I have learned - how to shift focus rather than getting stuck in focus, how to present myself with my full being as I interact with others, how to say “yes” to a full life, how to not question my desires and needs and instead just GO FOR IT! I am feeling so much love for myself in a way that I have never known!!!! I could go on and on. You are all so special to me and I am truly lucky. Thank you!!!!!
Daniel 01/05/2024
My journey is one of healing past traumas, accepting my emotional and interpersonal landscape, self-discovery, new growth, and transformation on multiple levels - mind, body, and spirit. I am realizing that my irritability, anxiety, fearfulness, loneliness, and my desire to cover it all up with a smile all stem from a sense of emptiness inside. This emptiness I have felt profoundly is slowly filling, and is happening on a spiritual level... I am learning that it is ALL within. While harvesting is the fun part, cultivating is the important part. I'm learning how to do that and The Truth Is One is my mentor. The Truth Is One community, facility, medicines, practices, and spiritual leadership all come together to form a truly unique opportunity for a harmonious journey of enlightenment.
Working with Roman is a pure pleasure. Intuitive, loving, supportive medicine man who always guides to the right track by standing by your side whenever needed. Together with medicine helped me to get rid of accumulated emotions, and strengthen my appreciation for life.
I had the pleasure of participating in the breathwork session last Sunday, and it was truly incredible. I'd like to express my immense gratitude to Maestra Aditya and her entire team for the positive energy they radiate and the transformative experiences they provide for people's spirits.
Khrystyna 02/21/2024
Words cannot describe the abundance of joy and gratitude I hold in my heart after last night's ceremony. Thank you to this entire team and community for welcoming me into your space to allow me to embark on this transformative journey. I am beyond grateful!
Lindsay 01/15/2024
Alicja, Aditia, Renyia, Damien… everyone else, What an incredible journey this past weekend! So many lessons have come to me during the course of the weekend and the days following as I’ve integrated my experience. I felt so much love and connection toward myself, Mother Earth, God, each of you, and the community as a whole. I am so thankful to you. A quick highlight of some of the lessons I have learned - how to shift focus rather than getting stuck in focus, how to present myself with my full being as I interact with others, how to say “yes” to a full life, how to not question my desires and needs and instead just GO FOR IT! I am feeling so much love for myself in a way that I have never known!!!! I could go on and on. You are all so special to me and I am truly lucky. Thank you!!!!!
Daniel 01/05/2024
"The stars aligned at the right moment in time and I was privileged to participate in one of the ceremonies with Davi, Maestra Aditya and others. Noone can describe what you will go through, nor will they try. But in a few hours of intense experience, I started to understand why I was "broken", gaining some understanding for what had caused it and at the end, I was able to exhale, forgive myself, or at least start to, and step back into the light from the darkness I've been in for 30 years. Everything until that ceremony was building up to this point. I have so much more to discover, but I can now live and breathe easier, dream cleaner, worry less. This place will give you what you don't even know you need. Take a chance and free your mind, body and spirit.
During my first experience with Kambo medicine, Annie's care and guidance were fully present before, during, and after the medicine was administered. The medicine itself gave way for transformation as it offered a release path for negative energy trapped inside my body. The nature of Kambo medicine taught me how body and spirit are connected. I would like to take Kambo medicine into practice in conjunction with other spiritual medicines and practices going forward.
My journey is one of healing past traumas, accepting my emotional and interpersonal landscape, self-discovery, new growth, and transformation on multiple levels - mind, body, and spirit. I am realizing that my irritability, anxiety, fearfulness, loneliness, and my desire to cover it all up with a smile all stem from a sense of emptiness inside. This emptiness I have felt profoundly is slowly filling, and is happening on a spiritual level... I am learning that it is ALL within. While harvesting is the fun part, cultivating is the important part. I'm learning how to do that and The Truth Is One is my mentor. The Truth Is One community, facility, medicines, practices, and spiritual leadership all come together to form a truly unique opportunity for a harmonious journey of enlightenment.
It’s hard to describe how it is to work with Maestra Edyta. It has to be experienced to be understood. As a medicine women she is intense yet genuine, rigorous yet loving and caring, always helpful and understanding. She creates safe space free of judgment, so everyone can feel their own comfort to the fullest. Because of her and medicine I found peaceful home within myself.
My second home. I feel safe, understood and unconditionally accepted by the people that make the ceremonies happen to the people participating in them. Truly a place of pure intention, focus and care. A place and people that transform me into the person I never imagined I am, which makes me very grateful and happy in my heart I can be a part of.
Words cannot describe how enriched and healing my inner child feels spending time with Edyta, Alanna, Roman and all of the special healers I have met. The medicine is gentle, firm and revealing of exactly where it wants me to see. The energy at Edyta’s scared temple is something so special and meaningful that only you can describe by sharing it yourself. I am forever changed and evolving.
Words can not describe how truly grateful I am to Edyta and her team. This was the most profound and life-changing experience. It was the start of a beautiful transformation. I am still applying all the teachings and insights and it made my life so much better. Thank you from the bottom of my heart my beautiful spiritual family.
I’ve had the privilege of working with Maestra Aditi for many years. She works with great integrity, deep compassion and a fierce and fearless ability to uncover and heal the shadow aspects within our psyche and Spirit. Through my work with her I have healed deep trauma and grown by leaps and bounds, both mentally and spiritually, all while feeling fully seen and supported. We are blessed to have her loving presence among us.
Edyta holds space in a particular way that makes me feel both safe and also challenged to move through and confront difficult, deep pain and trauma. She's not afraid to get her hands dirty and to support in whatever way you need at the moment. She has the strength and authority to manage the ceremony, (to be in charge and keep a safe container) and yet also has such sensitivity and humility to allow medicine to speak though her, to gently direct and shift the things that surface during the journey. Her guidance is a vital component of my experience with medicine.
Words cannot describe how enriched and healing my inner child feels spending time with Edyta, Alanna, Roman and all of the special healers I have met. The medicine is gentle, firm and revealing of exactly where it wants me to see. The energy at Edyta’s scared temple is something so special and meaningful that only you can describe by sharing it yourself. I am forever changed and evolving.
Someone close to me suggested I try Kambo as a spiritual energy cleanse after a tough time I was going through. I must say that the 5 times now that I have participated in a Kambo ceremony with Alanna the medicine has gone deeper and deeper on not only a spiritual level but a physical level. I have been able to stop my allergy medication and sleep medication as well control some unhealthy eating habits. Kambo has opened my awareness to aspects of myself that I was not willing to face and it has helped me face emotional blocks in my life in a more clear way. It has been such a beautiful medicine for me it will continue to be a part of my spiritual journey. I am forever grateful for Alanna.
I feel so grateful that Alanna has been my ally in healing for the past several years. She is a force of positivity and healing. Her expertise and thirst for learning and sharing her wisdom has helped me change decades of negative patterns and live a life of greater awareness and freedom. Change has not been easy; nevertheless, she continues to be a well of support, caring, and inspiration to persevere in my journey.
Working with Roman is a pure pleasure. Intuitive, loving, supportive medicine man who always guides to the right track by standing by your side whenever needed. Together with medicine helped me to get rid of accumulated emotions, and strengthen my appreciation for life.
My second home. I feel safe, understood and unconditionally accepted by the people that make the ceremonies happen to the people participating in them. Truly a place of pure intention, focus and care. A place and people that transform me into the person I never imagined I am, which makes me very grateful and happy in my heart I can be a part of.
Roman did a wonderful job of establishing a safe, inviting setting. My apprehension notwithstanding, my experiences in the ceremonies conducted by him were incredible, and allowed me to leave with a larger perspective, and with a renewed gratitude for being alive.
Words cannot describe how enriched and healing my inner child feels spending time with Edyta, Alanna, Roman and all of the special healers I have met. The medicine is gentle, firm and revealing of exactly where it wants me to see. The energy at Edyta’s scared temple is something so special and meaningful that only you can describe by sharing it yourself. I am forever changed and evolving.
Words can not describe how truly grateful I am to Edyta and her team. This was the most profound and life-changing experience. It was the start of a beautiful transformation. I am still applying all the teachings and insights and it made my life so much better. Thank you from the bottom of my heart my beautiful spiritual family.
Coming Soon
Coaching with Jessica was incredible. She has a warmth and calmness that immediately put me at ease. I found it very easy to open up in our sessions - she has an amazing ability to be present, is insightful with her powerful questions and is both challenging and supportive. I was amazed by her ability to pick up on what I was saying at an emotional level - digging deep with her questioning. I felt that we covered a huge distance in a very short space of time and valued every bit of the journey. Thank you so much Jessica.
Working with Jessica has been a game-changer for me....Because of her gentle guidance and uncanny ability to connect the dots, I have been able to....weave my family, wellbeing, and ambitions together into the most inspiring and intricate tapestry. She held my hand and my heart...Thank you Jessica for your warmth, your care, and your incredible skill as an Executive Coach for normal people with big dreams.
I had the pleasure of participating in the breathwork session last Sunday, and it was truly incredible. I'd like to express my immense gratitude to Maestra Aditya and her entire team for the positive energy they radiate and the transformative experiences they provide for people's spirits.
Khrystyna 02/21/2024
Words cannot describe the abundance of joy and gratitude I hold in my heart after last night's ceremony. Thank you to this entire team and community for welcoming me into your space to allow me to embark on this transformative journey. I am beyond grateful!
Lindsay 01/15/2024
Alicja, Aditia, Renyia, Damien… everyone else, What an incredible journey this past weekend! So many lessons have come to me during the course of the weekend and the days following as I’ve integrated my experience. I felt so much love and connection toward myself, Mother Earth, God, each of you, and the community as a whole. I am so thankful to you. A quick highlight of some of the lessons I have learned - how to shift focus rather than getting stuck in focus, how to present myself with my full being as I interact with others, how to say “yes” to a full life, how to not question my desires and needs and instead just GO FOR IT! I am feeling so much love for myself in a way that I have never known!!!! I could go on and on. You are all so special to me and I am truly lucky. Thank you!!!!!
Daniel 01/05/2024
"You don't have to do anything right now, just breathe." Alicja calmly told me across the computer screen. This was five weeks after my first sacred divine tea journey in over 5 years, and I was a complete mess. I had finally reached out to Alicja to say I was struggling post ceremony-and not just struggling-I felt like my entire life had fallen apart. In the few months since I had resumed going to ceremony, the "love of my life" had dumped me, I had been forcibly rotated from a job position I genuinely enjoyed for doing the ethical thing, and I had stumbled into the what appeared to be the worst depression of my life. I really did not know what to do. Oh and I was going to Mexico for a week with the option to sit in more ceremony. I remember staring back at her looking at Alicja like she was crazy. What did she mean just breathe and how could I sit still and trust that I didn't have to do anything? I had to do something-my life was falling apart. "It hurts to breathe." I cried back. And it literally did. Each breath seemed empty and pointless. I had been down this road of depression before, and it was entirely too painful to claw my way out of it. I just didn't have the energy. But Alicja patiently listened to me cry, and assured me that I wasn't going crazy, that breaking apart was necessary to create a life I wanted. She supported me through my Mexico trip with such genuine kindness that I felt safe and held. But more than just the coaching, she started teaching me how to integrate myself in community again. I had been an island for most of my life, and she threw me a lifeline, or ten lifelines to be more accurate.She picked up on things that brought me joy when I couldn't. She patiently called me out on my projections and helped me work through them. I returned back, and sat in ceremony every chance it was offered for the next two months. It was brutal. Accessed wounds that I had no intention of ever visiting. But what was intriguing was that I was growing increasingly comfortable with sitting still and breathing each time. After two back to back ceremonies, I wanted to sit still and do nothing for the first time in my life. Not only was it not uncomfortable, it was what I wanted to do. The feeling didn't stay though, and there I was a few weeks later, in a coaching session, having another breakdown. And after each ceremony, there I was, asking for guidance as to how to proceed, because I wasn't understanding how to integrate the lessons. Alicja, calmly and assuredly guided me through each step-helping me decipher the messages that came, until I returned to a point where I could start deciphering them for myself. Five months after several ceremonies and integration coaching sessions, here I am, comfortably sitting still and breathing. Learning the balance between non action and action. Trusting not only the universe enough, but myself enough to relinquish control...sometimes. Here I am, not worrying about proving my worth to those around me by working on everything I can like a chicken with her head cut off. I'm sitting still, even amidst chaos, and intentionally creating the opportunities I want in my life, without letting desperation guide me. It's not easy, but I have hope again. And I doubt I could have found that hope without the help of both the ceremonies and the integration coaching.
Alicja is a great and supportive coach who knows how to listen and help to integrate experiences. Always the point with her suggestions and advices. Contemplative in her nature brings peaceful atmosphere today to the table.
It was an honor and pleasure to work with Alicja for integration and transformational coaching. She has a way of getting right to heart of the matter and supporting me to step in to the highest version of myself for that issue. She is creative and straightforward and does an excellent job of holding space for me while I am processing something or trying to figure it out. I definitely recommend working with Alicja when integrating after a psychedelic journey or healing. Her patience and honesty have helped me so much while I was going through huge life changes over the last year.
Words can not describe how truly grateful I am to Edyta and her team. This was the most profound and life-changing experience. It was the start of a beautiful transformation. I am still applying all the teachings and insights and it made my life so much better. Thank you from the bottom of my heart my beautiful spiritual family.
Alicja helped me to integrate the most profound journey that shifted my whole life after using plant medicine. She helped me understand my behaviors, my patterns, and simply myself better. After a session with her I felt lighter, more grounded and centered. I also regained focus and more understanding of what was going on in my life. I would recommend Alicja to anyone who needs help integrating and understanding plant medicine journeys.
I had the pleasure of participating in the breathwork session last Sunday, and it was truly incredible. I'd like to express my immense gratitude to Maestra Aditya and her entire team for the positive energy they radiate and the transformative experiences they provide for people's spirits.
Khrystyna 02/21/2024
Words cannot describe the abundance of joy and gratitude I hold in my heart after last night's ceremony. Thank you to this entire team and community for welcoming me into your space to allow me to embark on this transformative journey. I am beyond grateful!
Lindsay 01/15/2024
Alicja, Aditia, Renyia, Damien… everyone else, What an incredible journey this past weekend! So many lessons have come to me during the course of the weekend and the days following as I’ve integrated my experience. I felt so much love and connection toward myself, Mother Earth, God, each of you, and the community as a whole. I am so thankful to you. A quick highlight of some of the lessons I have learned - how to shift focus rather than getting stuck in focus, how to present myself with my full being as I interact with others, how to say “yes” to a full life, how to not question my desires and needs and instead just GO FOR IT! I am feeling so much love for myself in a way that I have never known!!!! I could go on and on. You are all so special to me and I am truly lucky. Thank you!!!!!
Daniel 01/05/2024
Renyia is kind and genuine spirit who always make sure the space is well prepared and everyone gets what they need and moment. Her stillness and meditative character brings uniqueness to the space.
My second home. I feel safe, understood and unconditionally accepted by the people that make the ceremonies happen to the people participating in them. Truly a place of pure intention, focus and care. A place and people that transform me into the person I never imagined I am, which makes me very grateful and happy in my heart I can be a part of.
Words can not describe how truly grateful I am to Edyta and her team. This was the most profound and life-changing experience. It was the start of a beautiful transformation. I am still applying all the teachings and insights and it made my life so much better. Thank you from the bottom of my heart my beautiful spiritual family.
I had the pleasure of participating in the breathwork session last Sunday, and it was truly incredible. I'd like to express my immense gratitude to Maestra Aditya and her entire team for the positive energy they radiate and the transformative experiences they provide for people's spirits.
Khrystyna 02/21/2024
Words cannot describe the abundance of joy and gratitude I hold in my heart after last night's ceremony. Thank you to this entire team and community for welcoming me into your space to allow me to embark on this transformative journey. I am beyond grateful!
Lindsay 01/15/2024
Alicja, Aditia, Renyia, Damien… everyone else, What an incredible journey this past weekend! So many lessons have come to me during the course of the weekend and the days following as I’ve integrated my experience. I felt so much love and connection toward myself, Mother Earth, God, each of you, and the community as a whole. I am so thankful to you. A quick highlight of some of the lessons I have learned - how to shift focus rather than getting stuck in focus, how to present myself with my full being as I interact with others, how to say “yes” to a full life, how to not question my desires and needs and instead just GO FOR IT! I am feeling so much love for myself in a way that I have never known!!!! I could go on and on. You are all so special to me and I am truly lucky. Thank you!!!!!
Daniel 01/05/2024
Damian, has strong male energy who grounds and supports the space during ceremonies with his unique character. Always open for encouraging and comforting conversation before and after experiences.
Words can not describe how truly grateful I am to Edyta and her team. This was the most profound and life-changing experience. It was the start of a beautiful transformation. I am still applying all the teachings and insights and it made my life so much better. Thank you from the bottom of my heart my beautiful spiritual family.
I had the pleasure of participating in the breathwork session last Sunday, and it was truly incredible. I'd like to express my immense gratitude to Maestra Aditya and her entire team for the positive energy they radiate and the transformative experiences they provide for people's spirits.
Khrystyna 02/21/2024
I've worked with Allison for several months now. Not only is she very knowledgeable and extremely thorough, she is also truly compassionate and supportive and willing to meet you wherever you are in your journey. Even the questions she's asking during the appointment have prompted me to pay more attention to how my body communicates with me, and live more intuitively. Her passion for aligning your physical wellbeing with mental and spiritual aspects is obvious and so inspiring. Thanks to her guidance and homeopathic support, I already see improvements with the specific health concern I had, but what's more, I feel more balanced overall as Allison makes it a point to address you as a whole, not just focus on one organ and its symptoms. I absolutely recommend working with Allison to anyone who wants to have a supportive, compassionate and knowledgeable naturopath on their team!
Allison is one of the most compassionate and professional practitioners I have ever worked with. She actively listened to all my health concerns and offered support which did not hinder my lifestyle. Not only did I seek out Allison for her naturopathic expertise, but also for her homeopathic and holistic counseling knowledge. She educated me on different aspects of my health and answered all of my questions without looking down at me (which is something I have experienced numerous times with doctors in the past), and most importantly she never judged me on anything I have said. Her level of professionalism is outstanding. Allison made me feel safe and heard during every appointment. I highly recommend her to anyone who is looking for a naturopathic consult!
Allison has played an integral part in my spiritual journey. Her coaching and ability to help navigate building awareness have had a profound impact on my life.

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We are an organization whose primary purpose is to support the expansion of consciousness of each human being and to educate them in the maintenance of healthy lifestyles. We welcome all paths and all spiritual traditions.

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