


Aditya, the founder of The Truth is One Interfaith Organization, has helped hundreds of people to reconnect with and live from their deepest Self, essence and truth. Aditya has been gifted stewardship of sacred lineages from both the Yogic and Shamanic traditions in order to unfold and expand her own consciousness as well as to support healing and transformation for others. In her inner explorations and unfolding, she discovered synergies and common essences across these ancient traditions, including timeless and eternal truths of nature, consciousness, human potential, the human system, and human transformation. While honoring and preserving the integrity of each lineage, she has found ways of integration, distillation and transmission that create profound, life changing healing through each of her healings. She enables people to cut through false beliefs, conditioned and addictive patterns, emotional quagmires, and other inner and outer obstacles, and at last to rediscover, feel, and live from their true Self and essence -- to rediscover the truth of who we are, what and where we come from, and where we are going, to reconnect with who we are and the purpose of our existence.  

Aditya found her spiritual calling during a period of personal transformation through which she was able to overcome a serious illness. She studied with shamans from various parts of the world including the Amazon of Brazil, Venezuela, Columbia, and the Andes of Peru, as well as North America. In recognition of the authenticity of her place within this sacred work, she was honored with adoption into the family of Communindios Bandeira Branca in Para, Brazil, and the family of Alonso Del Rio from Peru.  

In addition to shamanic practices with plant medicine, Aditya has also studied various types of healing modalities such as vortex healing, traditional Shamanic Huna Healing from indigenous people of Hawaii, transformational/holotropic breathwork and various types of techniques and practices. 

In 2012, Aditya encountered Amma Sri Karunamayi, considered to be an incarnation of the Divine Mother, and since that time Amma has guided Aditya's spiritual journey. This exceptional union of South American plant wisdom, Vedic knowledge, meditation techniques, and sadhana makes Aditya a one of a kind Curandera (healer). Aditya not only bridges ancient spiritual traditions but also translates these profound sources of wisdom and healing into forms of practice, insight, and ceremony that are accessible to people of all backgrounds. Aditya has an international practice, working in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Poland, Ireland, Spain, and Italy to assist people to transform themselves and their lives.  

Aditya is a certified BTTY and NLP coach, systemic coaching and soul work. She is also a reiki master teacher and a vortexhealer.






I had the pleasure of participating in the breathwork session last Sunday, and it was truly incredible. I'd like to express my immense gratitude to Maestra Aditya and her entire team for the positive energy they radiate and the transformative experiences they provide for people's spirits.

Khrystyna 02/21/2024

Words cannot describe the abundance of joy and gratitude I hold in my heart after last night's ceremony. Thank you to this entire team and community for welcoming me into your space to allow me to embark on this transformative journey. I am beyond grateful!

Lindsay 01/15/2024

Alicja, Aditia, Renyia, Damien… everyone else, What an incredible journey this past weekend! So many lessons have come to me during the course of the weekend and the days following as I’ve integrated my experience. I felt so much love and connection toward myself, Mother Earth, God, each of you, and the community as a whole. I am so thankful to you. A quick highlight of some of the lessons I have learned - how to shift focus rather than getting stuck in focus, how to present myself with my full being as I interact with others, how to say “yes” to a full life, how to not question my desires and needs and instead just GO FOR IT! I am feeling so much love for myself in a way that I have never known!!!! I could go on and on. You are all so special to me and I am truly lucky. Thank you!!!!!

Daniel 01/05/2024

"The stars aligned at the right moment in time and I was privileged to participate in one of the ceremonies with Davi, Maestra Aditya and others. Noone can describe what you will go through, nor will they try. But in a few hours of intense experience, I started to understand why I was "broken", gaining some understanding for what had caused it and at the end, I was able to exhale, forgive myself, or at least start to, and step back into the light from the darkness I've been in for 30 years. Everything until that ceremony was building up to this point. I have so much more to discover, but I can now live and breathe easier, dream cleaner, worry less. This place will give you what you don't even know you need. Take a chance and free your mind, body and spirit.


During my first experience with Kambo medicine, Annie's care and guidance were fully present before, during, and after the medicine was administered. The medicine itself gave way for transformation as it offered a release path for negative energy trapped inside my body. The nature of Kambo medicine taught me how body and spirit are connected. I would like to take Kambo medicine into practice in conjunction with other spiritual medicines and practices going forward.



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We are an organization whose primary purpose is to support the expansion of consciousness of each human being and to educate them in the maintenance of healthy lifestyles. We welcome all paths and all spiritual traditions.

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