Iulia's Art

Iulia's Art

October 12, 2021

All the ceremonies were super powerful and beautiful. But the 5th was so special for me. I was able to connect on such deep level with the live music Edyta and Alanna were playing. Alanna was singing about “awaken your Devine”. I felt and saw them both like the true Divine Goddesses that they are, and all the beauty they created around them. I never seen someone with so much love and devotion for the things they do.

It inspired me so much. It made me realize that we all can achieve anything with love, consistency and discipline. Their divine music opened my heart to a world of inspiration and creation. I never knew there is a hidden gem inside me, waiting to be discovered and polished. We all have that in us. We just have to tap into it. And from the heart space bring out all the gifts that we were hiding for so long. I am absolutely in love with the process of transformation I am going through.

We are all Gods and Goddesses. We are the Creators. I found out this Truth and can’t thank Edyta’s team enough.
I started painting last year. After my first ceremony I created my first oil painting, the Skull. I named it “Awakening”. Also I never played an instrument before. About a month ago I started learning to play piano. It’s my pleasure to share my art with you all.

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We are an organization whose primary purpose is to support the expansion of consciousness of each human being and to educate them in the maintenance of healthy lifestyles. We welcome all paths and all spiritual traditions.

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