I called them to help me during the ceremony I forgot about them and how supportive they were. I didn't think of them for years but suddenly remembered! I discovered who they were during my Somatic Experiencing therapy.
'The Doors of Perception' After my second ceremony. They are all very connected with these ceremonies.
'Caterpillar and butterfly' During my first ceremony, I was a caterpillar in a cocoon. All night I would be under my blanket, covered head to toes. And I also realized the idea of a butterfly was with me for a long time. I organized a film festival 10 years ago from the scratch. And the logo of this festival I made was a cinematic butterfly. With wings made of the film reel. So I painted it. The second painting was of a real butterfly and a caterpillar. I saw them in the park, took pictures and used them as models.
We are an organization whose primary purpose is to support the expansion of consciousness of each human being and to educate them in the maintenance of healthy lifestyles. We welcome all paths and all spiritual traditions.