Art Pieces by Emily

Art Pieces by Emily

November 10, 2023

Soul Journey:

I painted this piece shortly after I started sitting with medicine. This marked a very pivotal chapter in my journey as represented by the book.

One page holds my darkness, and the other my light creating symbiotic harmony within. The foundation of my experience is my power in emotion when the waves crash through me, I surrender to the flow.

At the base of my journey are my mountains anchoring my inner strength and spiritual evolution as I overcome many challenges.The trees embody my resilience and personal growth so I may reach new heights. The medicine of San Pedro and psilocybin mushrooms along with other plant and animal medicine aided in my enlightenment. With hard work and devotion to myself, my chakras began to align. Moving upward into my heart lies the center of my inner beauty represented by the butterfly. As I rise higher, I spread my wings seeing the bigger picture of wisdom, protection, and pure consciousness.


I painted this piece through the midst of major heart break. Shedding old layers of myself, I began to transform into my higher self. The background consists of water and sky melting into each other as my core elements, along with the elevation and creation that is a sacred sturdy triangle. My heart was completely cracked open and I was stripped down to my core, left with an empty vessel. Shedding many tears of old wounds and new, I began to fill my soul with unconditional self love represented by the Bobinsana flower growing out of my heart. The roots of pure love sink deep into my being and hold the the foundation of what it means to truly love yourself.

The snake on the left represents my masculine energy and the snake on the right my feminine. Together they slither in sacred union towards the light of healing, rebirth and transformation.

Inner light:

Swimming in darkness I face my fears, and find my center which is anchored through breath. As I slow down and let life flow through me, I align with Mother Earth and connect to the cosmos.

I listen to the whispers of my soul, and remember who I am. With patience and persistence, I begin to find my inner light.

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