The Wisdom in the Cup by Alicja

The Wisdom in the Cup by Alicja

February 3, 2022

What is the goal of life? What is our final destination? Is there a destiny or we create our own lives?

Those questions have been in my head for years. I grew up in a small town in Poland, where everyone and everything seemed to be the same. First education, then marriage, then kids, after that your life seemed to be over as there was no more you but everyone else around you. No room for individuality or personal growth. Only actions based on beliefs, patterns and habits.
I always had the feeling that there must be more to that. That is why, for years, I was searching for more, for answers, guidance, knowledge and wisdom. It was not easy to find the guide, the teacher, someone or something to follow and to learn from.

For the majority of my life I would learn by trying things out, experiencing and learning from my own mistakes. However at some point it was too much.  Too much experience, too many emotions, lessons and teachings without much understanding or comprehension.

Until one day, when I discovered ‘the wisdom in a cup’. The wisdom that once consumed becomes you, becomes so vivid and so real that it is hard to deny it. The magic brew, called the Divine Tea, the Grandmother, the Master Teacher, changed my life forever.

At times, it is still hard to believe, understand and comprehend. When in doubt, I would question myself; Is that right? Is this correct? or Is it just coming out of your head? However, after years of absorbing the wisdom from the cup, learning and patiently waiting. I am positive that this is the answer to all my questions. This is the way to self discovery, by going back to our roots, through the rough and uncomfortable trails of darkness and confusion until you see the light in the dark tunnel. The light is so bright that it brightens the darkness, the uncertainty and the confusion.

The wisdom in the cup shows us that the truth is one, universal not shaken by personal or society beliefs. The wisdom in the cup, so innocently looking with huge potential and even bigger soul.

The journey to finding myself was quite difficult at the beginning and far from my expectations or imagination. When in doubt I kept reminding myself:  “This is exactly what you asked for” , “This is the way”, patiently allowing the medicine to peel off one layer after another. Letting the bright light go through all the layers with trust and surrender.

I realized that quite often one cup of the magic brew replaced the books, the papers, the news. It’s the substance that when conducted correctly, will expand your consciousness and give you so much wisdom and understanding.

You may ask what is so special about the brew. How does it work? Is it magic?

Actually there is nothing about the typical magic here. It’s quite simple but so difficult at times, to understand the universal law, the universal truth and the wisdom, and finally to understand yourself, fully and completely. Quite often it is much easier to comprehend with our own rational mind, which is based on our beliefs, stories and information piled up for years. But that can be only an illusion, which is far from the universal truth.

Is this a magic elixir for all, you would ask? No, definitely not.

There are two groups of people that drink the brew. The ones that want a break from their routine, or simply an experience.
The second group that drinks the brew to transform, change and fully experience the journey called life. The most profound journey of all. They are not interested in the end goal. They enjoy the ride; the process and the journey itself as this is the most important.

Are you one of them? Be honest with yourself. It’s not for everyone but it may be for you. Nothing will be ever the same once you try the wisdom in the cup. You will never be the same as well. The key is to trust and allow the magic, called life, to happen.

Once you get to the end of the tunnel nothing will be the same. The truth will be undeniable. You will find out that you have not lived until now. What was it then, you would ask. I was still breathing, eating and sleeping. Was I not alive?
I would call it a Vegetative State of being as living at 20%, 50% or 75% is suffering not a true life.

Are you open and brave enough to understand yourself and those around you better? Coming to each person and each situation with curiosity, open heart, compassion and love?  Aren’t we all the same, broken-hearted and lost at times?

Why not share? Why not learn from each other? Why not to build strength on vulnerability and truthfulness.
You have the power to choose, to surround yourself with kind, understanding and loving people. You have the power to be the one that people would like to be around all the time.

But how?, you would ask.
By opening your heart, surrendering, allowance and trust. It sounds so easy but it’s not. It’s like a lotus, that grows on mud, and becomes the most beautiful flower of all.
Going through its darkness to get to its full potential and beauty that is noticed and appreciated by all.
You may start the journey with establishing the relationship with the mother, the Divine One, that will awaken the mother in you, helping to understand everything and everyone around you. At the same time you can start building a relationship with the father. To be the mother or the father for others. As we are all created by both.

Besides the Divine Mother in the cup, here comes the masculine energy of San Pedro, the directiveness of YOPO, the divinity of Bufo Toad and the connections created by Sacred Mushrooms.

The choice is yours but must be done from the right place of trust, surrender and willingness to be led and guided by the master plants, master teachers and divine energies. The energies of the universe created by the One.
Coming to the circle with an open heart, without any expectation is the key. The key to wisdom, consciousness and awareness. Ready for change and transformation. It may not be easy at first, it may come with time. You just need to allow it to happen, be curious, be persistent, be focused. The medicine will never give you more than you can handle. Enjoy and appreciate the journey.

Another, very important aspect of the whole process is the integration. Integration is the time to reflect, allow and see the difference. The difference comes from within, with time. The time comes with an allowance. The allowance comes with consciousness.
Allow yourself to live, to discover and to become the True-Self. Untouched by others’ beliefs, patterns and stories. Start with an empty page that can be filled out with time.
Each word, written with awareness and focus. Do not be scared, do not hesitate, you will know what to write, you will feel it.
You have been through a lot until now. You know who you are, you know what feels right and what doesn’t. This gives you power. The power of choice for you, for your own actions and for your own life on this planet.

Be curious, open to change, courageous and still. Only in stillness there is movement. Only in peace you can feel the breeze. Only in a clear mind can you find the logic and true meaning. Only in surrender can you find trust. Only in suffering can you distinguish the pain.
Allow yourself to be. Allow others to be. Be curious and learn from every situation. Be grateful. Be the student, not the teacher. Learn, develop and transform to be the best version of yourself, to become your True-Self, untouched by stories, beliefs and patterns.

Trust the medicine. It will never hurt you. It will only help you to trust Yourself and others. Know your limits to go beyond them and to be unlimited.

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