Life and Self-Alignment

In Life coaching, clients choose to focus in any areas and/or issues in their life where they would like to create a new possibility or enhance existing ones.  The International Coach Federation defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership.  In this process, the coach supports the client to reconnect and realign with the client’s inner wisdom and thereby to discover the truth within themselves.  

A spiritual life coach can help you shift gears from being a victim to taking responsibility for your life. They can help you draw your focus away from any negativity or judgements surrounding you so that you can take charge and focus on the positive. They understand that what we give our attention to grows, and they help their clients shift their thinking from despair to appreciation.

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Spiritual Director, IFS accredited Coach and Founder of The Truth is One Organization

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Facilitator, Integration, Spiritual Emergence, Relationships, Addiction & Recovery Coach, Director of Operations at The Truth is One, Entrepreneur...

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I had the pleasure of participating in the breathwork session last Sunday, and it was truly incredible. I'd like to express my immense gratitude to Maestra Aditya and her entire team for the positive energy they radiate and the transformative experiences they provide for people's spirits.

Khrystyna 02/21/2024




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We are an organization whose primary purpose is to support the expansion of consciousness of each human being and to educate them in the maintenance of healthy lifestyles. We welcome all paths and all spiritual traditions.

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