Healing the Inner Child

These sessions focus on healing the parts of ourselves – our inner children – that got ‘stuck’ and are in need of our care, attention and nurture in order to re-integrate.  When we give our inner children the gift of our mature care, protection and love, they are free to release old patterns and contribute their gifts to our lives.  

Your inner child may be a factor in holding onto past fear, resentment, not being good enough or sadness. It may also be the reason you have trouble moving on and accepting that you deserve happiness. 

Our inner child self is the foundation of our being and the gateway to our Higher Self wisdom.

Our reconnection and loving acceptance of our inner child aspects is the key in achieving a feeling of wholeness, courage, curiosity, joy, playfulness, creativity, imagination, learning about your untapped gifts /potential and unity with our creator.


What is the benefit of Inner Child work:

What kinds of issues can inner child work help me with?

Our emotions and triggers often have roots in our childhood, though there can also be recent events that are affecting us.  Either way, inner child work can help us heal the parts of us that are not feeling safe or nurtured.  Working with your inner child and past core memory beliefs can get to the root of issues and allow the healing to unfold.


Inner child work might take the form of:

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Spiritual Director, IFS accredited Coach and Founder of The Truth is One Organization

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I had the pleasure of participating in the breathwork session last Sunday, and it was truly incredible. I'd like to express my immense gratitude to Maestra Aditya and her entire team for the positive energy they radiate and the transformative experiences they provide for people's spirits.

Khrystyna 02/21/2024




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