


Alanna is a Kambo Medicine Practitioner and has undergone training and initiation from an Umbandaime community where she lived and studied in the Amazon of Acre, Brazil. She has also studied with a Peruvian master, Alonso del Rio, and is a devotee of Amma Sri Karunamayi. She uses Rapeh and Sananga medicines as part of her offerings to help participants ground and focus prior to receiving the frog. Alanna is a psychiatric registered nurse by background and has experience working in hospitals and treatment centers for people with addiction and mental health issues. In her private practice she utilizes the Kambo as an alternative therapy for people transitioning off pharmaceutical medications and to prepare them to work with plant medicine. She facilitates Kambo ceremonies, women's circles, and brings groups to the amazon each year. She is a multi instrumental musician/composer and supports ceremony spaces with live music. Alanna is a co-founder of the Truth is One Interfaith Organization. She has a retreat center in Asheville, NC, USA.






Words cannot describe how enriched and healing my inner child feels spending time with Edyta, Alanna, Roman and all of the special healers I have met. The medicine is gentle, firm and revealing of exactly where it wants me to see. The energy at Edyta’s scared temple is something so special and meaningful that only you can describe by sharing it yourself. I am forever changed and evolving.


Someone close to me suggested I try Kambo as a spiritual energy cleanse after a tough time I was going through. I must say that the 5 times now that I have participated in a Kambo ceremony with Alanna the medicine has gone deeper and deeper on not only a spiritual level but a physical level. I have been able to stop my allergy medication and sleep medication as well control some unhealthy eating habits. Kambo has opened my awareness to aspects of myself that I was not willing to face and it has helped me face emotional blocks in my life in a more clear way. It has been such a beautiful medicine for me it will continue to be a part of my spiritual journey. I am forever grateful for Alanna.


I feel so grateful that Alanna has been my ally in healing for the past several years. She is a force of positivity and healing. Her expertise and thirst for learning and sharing her wisdom has helped me change decades of negative patterns and live a life of greater awareness and freedom. Change has not been easy; nevertheless, she continues to be a well of support, caring, and inspiration to persevere in my journey.



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