
Yoga is the dance of every cell with the music of every breath that creates inner serenity and harmony.

What is yoga?

“Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in ancient India. First codified by the sage Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras around 400 C.E. The word yoga was first mentioned in the oldest sacred texts, the Rig Veda. The practice was in fact handed down from teacher to student long before this text arose.

The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root “to unite”. The practice aims to create union between body, mind and spirit, as well as between the individual self and universal consciousness. Such a union tends to neutralize ego-driven thoughts and behaviours, creating a sense of spiritual awakening.” - Yogapedia

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga adds years to your life, and life to your years.

We teach Yoga as a transformative process. The transformation will not only be on the level of your body but in the way you are.

Universal Style Yoga was founded by Andrey Lappa, who is one of the most qualified and influential masters and professional teachers of yoga. His books: "Dynamic practices in classical yoga" and "Yoga: Tradition of Unification" became best sellers in 1999-2000 in ex-soviet countries.

Andrey uses his psychic and energetic abilities, in addition to his scientific precision, as key principals of Yoga in his powerful and effective Universal Style. This Style unites both sides of the existing styles of Yoga, as well as all life experiences. In the base of his Style lies a continuously developing model. Therefore practicing this Style can vary methodically. The Power of Spirit, Knowledge, Awareness and Freedom are part of the Universal Style. But, first of all, Universal Style is based on the Moral and Spiritual perfection of the yoga practitioner.

Ashtanga Yoga is a system of yoga transmitted to the modern world by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. This method of yoga involves synchronizing the breath with a progressive series of postures. It is a process producing intense internal heat and a profuse, purifying sweat that detoxifies muscles and organs. The result is improved circulation, a light and strong body, and a calm mind.

Iyengar Yoga, one of the world’s most widely practiced forms, emphasizes correct alignment of all parts of the body within each yoga pose. It helps to build and improve strength and stamina, balance and flexibility, body alignment and a new sense of wellbeing. It supports safe and systematical progress in yoga postures. Practitioners will achieve meditation in action. They will also learn how to be present in the current moment.

Yoga is the dance of every cell with the music of every breath that creates inner serenity and harmony.
Debasish Mridha

...but don't take our word for it

Dieta & Preparation for the Ayahuasca Ceremony

Each participant is expected to prepare for the ceremony. It is very important to follow the dietary guidelines and restrictions. Our Sacred ceremony has been adapted to our specific environment. We ask you that you keep an open mind.
Things to avoid 48h before
Good food to have
At least 48h prior to the ceremony
On the Day of the Ceremony
Spiritual and Mental Preparation
The day of the Ceremony
During the Ceremony

Things to avoid 48h before


If you are taking antibiotics, medications for arterial blood pressure, diabetes or infections, pain relievers/analgesics, antifungals, antidepressants, sleeping pills, anti-convulsives, anti-anxiety or anti-psychotic medications, we need to know (medical information form). Some medications have to be stopped at least 5 days before the ceremony, some for over 2 weeks or more and some are contraindicated to the Sacred Medicine.

Good food to have

On the Day of the Ceremony

It is very important not to be depleted the day of the ceremony so that you can have the energy necessary. Be rested and have a good nights sleep the previous night. The day of the ceremony you may have a light breakfast and a late lunch/early dinner, no later than 1 pm. Drink only water.

At least 48h prior to the ceremony

Spiritual and Mental Preparation

Define the intention of your desire to take the plant medicine and come to the ceremony with an open mind and heart, as well as a clear positive intention. Leave behind any expectations and approach the ceremony with an attitude of surrendering and gratitude. It may help to write down your intention, which could be centered around health and well-being, nature, connection, understanding and spiritual knowledge, healing, or any question you may have in your heart.

Enter this experience with a positive attitude of respect, reverence, receptivity to the sacred medicine, and with the trust that you will be provided with exactly what you need. The day after the ceremony, spend time in a quiet natural environment and reflect on your experience, journal, and meditate.

If you need support with this preparation, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. Our coaches are available to individually assist with these steps.

The day of the Ceremony

Have your last and light meal by noon, but no later than 1 pm. Bring water and remember to be well hydrated before the ceremony. Wear comfortable clothing with extra layers, as your body temperature can fluctuate during the session. Please do not bring a mattress as one will be provided. You may bring a pillow and blanket or sleeping bag to keep warm and comfortable. Your space will be about the size of yoga mat dimensions. If you have allergies, bring your inhaler or medication, in case of emergency.

During the Ceremony

Cell phones and other electronics will need to be turned off and left outside of the ceremony space. Filming, photographing or recording the ceremony is strictly prohibited.

Dieta & preparation for the San Pedro Ceremony

Each participant is expected to prepare for the ceremony. It is very important to follow the dietary guidelines and restrictions. Our Sacred ceremony has been adapted to our specific environment. We ask you that you keep an open mind.
Things to avoid 48h before
Good food to have
At least 48h prior to the ceremony
On the Day of the Ceremony
Spiritual and Mental Preparation
The day of the Ceremony
During the Ceremony

Things to avoid 48h before


If you are taking antibiotics, medications for arterial blood pressure, diabetes or infections, pain relievers/analgesics, antifungals, antidepressants, sleeping pills, anti-convulsives, anti anxiety or anti-psychotics medications, we need to know (medical information form). Some medications have to be stopped at least 5 days before the ceremony, some for over 2 weeks or more and some are contraindicated to the Sacred Medicine.

Good food to have

On the Day of the Ceremony

It is very important not to be depleted the day of the ceremony so that you can have the energy necessary. Be rested and have a good nights sleep the previous night. The day of the ceremony you may have a light breakfast and a late lunch/early dinner, no later than 1 pm. Drink only water.

At least 48h prior to the ceremony

Spiritual and Mental Preparation

Define the intention of your desire to take the plant medicine and come to the ceremony with an open mind and heart, as well as a clear positive intention. Leave behind any expectations and approach the ceremony with an attitude of surrendering and gratitude. It may help to write down your intention, which could be centered around health and well-being, nature, connection, understanding and spiritual knowledge, healing, or any question you may have in your heart.

Enter this experience with a positive attitude of respect, reverence, receptivity to the sacred medicine, and with the trust that you will be provided with exactly what you need. The day after the ceremony, spend time in a quiet natural environment and reflect on your experience, journal, and meditate.

If you need support with this preparation, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. Our coaches are available to individually assist with these steps.

The day of the Ceremony

Have your last and light meal by noon, but no later than 1 pm. Bring water and remember to be well hydrated before the ceremony. Wear comfortable clothing with extra layers, as your body temperature can fluctuate during the session. Please do not bring a mattress as one will be provided. You may bring a pillow and blanket or sleeping bag to keep warm and comfortable. Your space will be about the size of yoga mat dimensions. If you have allergies, bring your inhaler or medication, in case it proves necessary.

During the Ceremony

Cell phones and other electronics will need to be turned off and left outside the ceremony space. Filming, photographing or recording the ceremony is strictly prohibited.

Dieta & Preparation for the Yopo Ceremony

Each participant is expected to prepare for the ceremony. It is very important to follow the dietary guidelines and restrictions. Our Sacred ceremony has been adapted to our specific environment. We ask you that you keep an open mind.
Things to avoid 48h before
Good food to have
At least 48h prior to the ceremony
On the Day of the Ceremony
Spiritual and Mental Preparation
The day of the Ceremony
During the Ceremony

Things to avoid 48h before


If you are taking antibiotics, medications for arterial blood pressure, diabetes or infections, pain relievers/analgesics, antifungals, antidepressants, sleeping pills, anti-convulsives, anti anxiety or anti-psychotic medications, we need to know (medical information form). Some medications have to be stopped at least 5 days before the ceremony, some for over 2 weeks or more, and some are contraindicated to the Sacred Medicine.

Good food to have

On the Day of the Ceremony

It is very important not to be depleted the day of the ceremony so that you can have the energy necessary. Be rested and have a good nights sleep the previous night. The day of the ceremony you may have a light breakfast and a late lunch/early dinner, no later than 1 pm. Drink only water.

At least 48h prior to the ceremony

Spiritual and Mental Preparation

Define the intention of your desire to take the plant medicine and come to the ceremony with an open mind and heart, as well as a clear positive intention. Leave behind any expectations and approach the ceremony with an attitude of surrendering and gratitude. It may help to write down your intention, which could be centered around health and well-being, nature, connection, understanding and spiritual knowledge, healing, or any question you may have in your heart.

Enter this experience with a positive attitude of respect, reverence, receptivity to the sacred medicine, and with the trust that you will be provided with exactly what you need. The day after the ceremony spend time in a quiet natural environment and reflect on your experience, journal, and meditate.

If you need support with this preparation, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. Our coaches are available to individually assist with these steps.

The day of the Ceremony

Have your last and light meal by noon, but no later than 1 pm. Bring water and remember to be well hydrated before the ceremony. Wear comfortable clothing with extra layers, as your body temperature can fluctuate during the session. Please do not bring a mattress as one will be provided. You may bring a pillow and blanket or sleeping bag to keep warm and comfortable. Your space will be about the size of yoga mat dimensions. If you have allergies, bring your inhaler or medication, in case it proves necessary.

During the Ceremony

Cell phones and other electronics will need to be turned off and left outside of the ceremony space. Filming, photographing or recording the ceremony is strictly prohibited.

Logistics around serving Rapé

I’m guessing this won’t be as elaborate as other medicine’s dietary descriptions but might be worth to go into more detail about the process of serving it, what to expect etc.. Proin elit arcu, eleifend eget tortor sed, iaculis dapibus lorem. Integer et quam volutpat metus facilisis vestibulum. Sed ut feugiat justo. Vivamus risus nisl, fermentum vitae condimentum sit amet, ornare eget tellus. Nullam a viverra lectus, nec dignissim nunc. Nam feugiat a magna eget consectetur. Sed et lectus pulvinar, viverra eros at, sagittis leo. Vivamus vel libero vitae felis vestibulum tempor in at nisi. Maecenas sapien diam, auctor id tempus ut, viverra sed purus. Nulla interdum tincidunt mollis. Praesent eget ante eu erat mollis tempus. Praesent dignissim orci non erat vehicula, nec volutpat odio vulputate.

Dieta & Preparation for the Kambo Ceremony

Be mindful of your diet prior to the session- limit processed foods, plant based vegetarian/vegan diet is best, avoid red meat and processed sugars. Avoid alcohol/tobacco/weed/sex for 3 days-1 week prior or as long as possible before and after receiving.

Make sure to FAST the day of the session. This means NO FOOD, ONLY WATER.

Be clear of your intentions for the healing you are looking to receive from the frog. Take some extra time in reflection/prayer/meditation/journaling. 

The whole process will take about 2-3 hours. Try not to schedule anything for the rest of the day after your treatment; take a walk in nature, rest, relax, and integrate.

Dieta & Preparation for Magic Mushrooms Ceremony

• Be mindful of your diet at least a week before the ceremony.  
• Avoid dairy, red meat, processed foods, spicy foods, alcohol, and coffee.  Eating a nutritious, balanced diet with lots of green vegetables is best.
• Refrain from using drugs or other mind-altering substances, including cannabis.
• Be mindful of excessive external stimulation.  Television, news, music… These things and many other environmental stimuli can over stimulate and put further strain on our minds.  
• Meditate and practice mindful breathing if you can to relax your mind.
• Set a clear intention and let go of expectations.
• Fast for a minimum of 4 hours before the start of the ceremony. Eat very light that day.


• Please respect the silence during the ceremony. The ceremonies will be guided by music and there will be opportunities for sharing and interaction, however, please respect others’ processes by being mindful of this.
• Do not touch others or involve yourself in another’s process without permission.
• Do not use other substances or plant medicines during the ceremony. Please remain on the property until the closing integration circle.  

Integration of the experience after ceremony is critical to sustaining the lasting benefits of the journey.  Some recommended activities after ceremony include:
• Maintaining a clean diet
• Avoiding drugs and alcohol
• Spend time in nature, be gentle with yourself and enjoy the natural environment• Practice yoga and meditation• Journal• Implement positive behavioral changes.
• Minimize stressful situations, harsh environments, and media consumption
• Take time for yourself to be with yourself.  Take a couple days to nurture yourself, rest, and integrate.

ready to connect?

We are an organization whose primary purpose is to support the expansion of consciousness of each human being and to educate them in the maintenance of healthy lifestyles. We welcome all paths and all spiritual traditions.

Contact us