Cacao will leave you feeling deep love and support. It is also a beautiful, peaceful way to embrace change and resolution. It teaches us how to live with an open heart and connect with this energy. Through cacao, we learn how to experience, and live, with it every day.
Cacao will:
Cacao effects the human soul and body by opening your heart - the gateway to hearing your inner spirit and wisdom.
Cacao ceremonies have been around for thousands of years, originating from Mayan and Aztec cultures. It was used for spiritual, medicinal, and ceremonial purposes for inner awakening and creative guidance. Pure cacao is used as a heart-opening medicine for people to safely experience awakening, revelation, and inner healing.
Cacao is used in a sacred medicinal ritual where intentions are set. Once consumed, euphoric states are unlocked, negative emotions are released, and we are able to connect to ourselves and the loving energy in our body. The ancient Mayans referred to cacao as “Theobroma cacao” or “Food of the God”. Ancient Native Americans turned cacao into a drink for spiritual and medicinal ceremonies. They used it to awaken one’s inner self and creativity.
Cacao ceremonies are a type of shamanic healing – which is one of the oldest holistic healing practices used by indigenous cultures all over the world. These types of healing ceremonies work with rebalancing energies in the body to regain health. However, unlike other shamanic experiences, drinking cacao will not make you hallucinate or give you some sort of ‘out-of-body’ psychedelic experience. Cacao instead, is used to gently touch your heart and to guide you into an inner journey deep into the emotional center of our body – our heart (Anahata) chakra.
What you can experience during a cacao ceremony:
Raw cacao has been used for centuries to heal the mental, physical and spiritual body. It is a natural and ancient plant medicine, with a high concentration of vitamins, minerals and is a powerful antioxidant. Cacao also increases blood flow (oxygen and nutrients) to the brain as well as induces the release of feel-good endorphins.It enhances the immune system and lowers cholesterol and blood pressure.
Cacao is often used to change your perspective, enabling you to recognize and let go of repeated patterns or bad habits, release energetic blockages and what no longer serves you. Naturally packed with caffeine, cacao gives you a burst of energy that helps you focus and improve your memory.
If you are taking antibiotics, medications for arterial blood pressure, diabetes or infections, pain relievers/analgesics, antifungals, antidepressants, sleeping pills, anti-convulsives, anti-anxiety or anti-psychotic medications, we need to know (medical information form). Some medications have to be stopped at least 5 days before the ceremony, some for over 2 weeks or more and some are contraindicated to the Sacred Medicine.
It is very important not to be depleted the day of the ceremony so that you can have the energy necessary. Be rested and have a good nights sleep the previous night. The day of the ceremony you may have a light breakfast and a late lunch/early dinner, no later than 1 pm. Drink only water.
Define the intention of your desire to take the plant medicine and come to the ceremony with an open mind and heart, as well as a clear positive intention. Leave behind any expectations and approach the ceremony with an attitude of surrendering and gratitude. It may help to write down your intention, which could be centered around health and well-being, nature, connection, understanding and spiritual knowledge, healing, or any question you may have in your heart.
Enter this experience with a positive attitude of respect, reverence, receptivity to the sacred medicine, and with the trust that you will be provided with exactly what you need. The day after the ceremony, spend time in a quiet natural environment and reflect on your experience, journal, and meditate.
If you need support with this preparation, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. Our coaches are available to individually assist with these steps.
Have your last and light meal by noon, but no later than 1 pm. Bring water and remember to be well hydrated before the ceremony. Wear comfortable clothing with extra layers, as your body temperature can fluctuate during the session. Please do not bring a mattress as one will be provided. You may bring a pillow and blanket or sleeping bag to keep warm and comfortable. Your space will be about the size of yoga mat dimensions. If you have allergies, bring your inhaler or medication, in case of emergency.
Cell phones and other electronics will need to be turned off and left outside of the ceremony space. Filming, photographing or recording the ceremony is strictly prohibited.
If you are taking antibiotics, medications for arterial blood pressure, diabetes or infections, pain relievers/analgesics, antifungals, antidepressants, sleeping pills, anti-convulsives, anti anxiety or anti-psychotics medications, we need to know (medical information form). Some medications have to be stopped at least 5 days before the ceremony, some for over 2 weeks or more and some are contraindicated to the Sacred Medicine.
It is very important not to be depleted the day of the ceremony so that you can have the energy necessary. Be rested and have a good nights sleep the previous night. The day of the ceremony you may have a light breakfast and a late lunch/early dinner, no later than 1 pm. Drink only water.
Define the intention of your desire to take the plant medicine and come to the ceremony with an open mind and heart, as well as a clear positive intention. Leave behind any expectations and approach the ceremony with an attitude of surrendering and gratitude. It may help to write down your intention, which could be centered around health and well-being, nature, connection, understanding and spiritual knowledge, healing, or any question you may have in your heart.
Enter this experience with a positive attitude of respect, reverence, receptivity to the sacred medicine, and with the trust that you will be provided with exactly what you need. The day after the ceremony, spend time in a quiet natural environment and reflect on your experience, journal, and meditate.
If you need support with this preparation, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. Our coaches are available to individually assist with these steps.
Have your last and light meal by noon, but no later than 1 pm. Bring water and remember to be well hydrated before the ceremony. Wear comfortable clothing with extra layers, as your body temperature can fluctuate during the session. Please do not bring a mattress as one will be provided. You may bring a pillow and blanket or sleeping bag to keep warm and comfortable. Your space will be about the size of yoga mat dimensions. If you have allergies, bring your inhaler or medication, in case it proves necessary.
Cell phones and other electronics will need to be turned off and left outside the ceremony space. Filming, photographing or recording the ceremony is strictly prohibited.
If you are taking antibiotics, medications for arterial blood pressure, diabetes or infections, pain relievers/analgesics, antifungals, antidepressants, sleeping pills, anti-convulsives, anti anxiety or anti-psychotic medications, we need to know (medical information form). Some medications have to be stopped at least 5 days before the ceremony, some for over 2 weeks or more, and some are contraindicated to the Sacred Medicine.
It is very important not to be depleted the day of the ceremony so that you can have the energy necessary. Be rested and have a good nights sleep the previous night. The day of the ceremony you may have a light breakfast and a late lunch/early dinner, no later than 1 pm. Drink only water.
Define the intention of your desire to take the plant medicine and come to the ceremony with an open mind and heart, as well as a clear positive intention. Leave behind any expectations and approach the ceremony with an attitude of surrendering and gratitude. It may help to write down your intention, which could be centered around health and well-being, nature, connection, understanding and spiritual knowledge, healing, or any question you may have in your heart.
Enter this experience with a positive attitude of respect, reverence, receptivity to the sacred medicine, and with the trust that you will be provided with exactly what you need. The day after the ceremony spend time in a quiet natural environment and reflect on your experience, journal, and meditate.
If you need support with this preparation, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. Our coaches are available to individually assist with these steps.
Have your last and light meal by noon, but no later than 1 pm. Bring water and remember to be well hydrated before the ceremony. Wear comfortable clothing with extra layers, as your body temperature can fluctuate during the session. Please do not bring a mattress as one will be provided. You may bring a pillow and blanket or sleeping bag to keep warm and comfortable. Your space will be about the size of yoga mat dimensions. If you have allergies, bring your inhaler or medication, in case it proves necessary.
Cell phones and other electronics will need to be turned off and left outside of the ceremony space. Filming, photographing or recording the ceremony is strictly prohibited.
We are an organization whose primary purpose is to support the expansion of consciousness of each human being and to educate them in the maintenance of healthy lifestyles. We welcome all paths and all spiritual traditions.
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