Amazonian Waterfalls

Jan 17, 2024
Jan 27, 2024
Manaus, Brazil

with Davi Nunes de Paula, Yara Yawora & Janaina de Paula

If you have experienced the depth, mystery, and healing nature of grandmother Ayahuasca and are called to deepen your relationship with this medicine and her origin, join us for a once in a lifetime journey into the Amazon for this special Ayahuasca retreat offering.

This is a retreat of water. We will bathe ourselves in the cleansing, purifying, and healing powers of natural WATERFALLS, in the serene environment of Amazonia.

Our Ayahuasca retreat will take place at a location which has one of the HIGHEST concentrations of waterfalls in the world. Even more magical, is that all of the Ayahuasca healing ceremonies will be at specific waterfall sites, closed off to the general public for our healing works. We will invoke the energies of the divine beings who are the guardians of the water element in its various forms through singing, drumming, and movement.

Our Ayahuasca Retreat will be centered around deepening our understanding of the Umbandaime tradition as  we learn about the Orixas, or nature spirits, that are each connected to different energies, archetypes, and elements.


Journey to the Source of the Sacred Waters?

We will be staying at a beautiful nature sanctuary, about 3 hours outside of the capital city of Manaus, located in the state of Amazonia, where there are over 100 waterfalls. Part of our trip also includes an excursion to “Encontro das Aguas” or, ‘meeting of the waters’ where the Black River and the Solimoes River converge to create the famous Amazon River.

Ayahuasca Healing Ceremonies?

Our sacred ceremonies will be will be lovingly and expertly facilitated by Brazilian healers Davi de Paula, Yara Yawora, Janaina de Paula and guests in the style of the Umbandaime tradition and consecrated by the healing energies of the sacred waters and nature spirits and protective guardians of this magical land.

Kambo Healing Consultations?

Participants will receive the opportunity to cleanse and heal with Kambo (frog) medicine. Often referred to as the “vaccine of the jungle” by the indigenous peoples of Brazil, this potent purgative is known for its power to purify and heal on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Kambo is native to this region of the Amazon and will be expertly administered by one of Brazil’s most seasoned and sought after practitioners, Davi de Paula.

What's Included


All inclusive Ayahuasca Retreat Package

$3,850 USD


Deposit: $1,350 via Pay Pal to confirm your place. Balance of $2,500 due 30 days prior to departure.

To Reserve your spot please complete the form on the website. Once we receive it we will email you with the Pay Pal link. Deposits are refundable by 50% if cancellation occurs 30 days or more prior to the program. Deposits are non-refundable if cancellation occurs less than 30 days of the program start date.

Click Here to view our Sample Schedule, Travel and Deposit Details

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We are an organization whose primary purpose is to support the expansion of consciousness of each human being and to educate them in the maintenance of healthy lifestyles. We welcome all paths and all spiritual traditions.

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