psychospiritual integration

As a team of the Truth is One Interfaith Organization, we believe in the power of plant and indigenous medicines to create personal and social change. That is why we are committed to supporting each individual who needs to integrate the lessons and experiences from plant medicine and other substances. Finding and recognizing your True-Self gives you ultimate potential and infinite freedom.

psychospiritual integration coaching
Global Team Coaching InstituteAssociate Certified CoachNLP Master TrainerBeing True To YouSystemic Team CoachAOEC

How could you discover the essence of your True-Self without first cleansing, cleaning, and amending the pure aspect of yourself?

Journeys bring power and love back into you. If you can’t go somewhere, move in the passageways of the self. They are like shafts of light, always changing, and you change when you explore them.

Our Role

The coaches at The Truth is One are trained in Psychospiritual Integration to prepare you for the journey, teach you how to navigate it and integrate the lessons taken from each experience.
We cover many different arenas of coaching to fulfill the various needs of our clients. Life, wellness, communications, relationships, life transitions, and more. The coaches at The Truth is One are trained in the Whole Person Coaching.

Coaches listed with The Truth is One went through many coaching and training programs and are specialized in the advanced techniques of Coaching.

What is Integration?

Integration means taking the time to digest the experience, reflect on it, act or think in different ways, and tie them into our everyday lives in a positive way. Integration is not a destination and has no clock on it. When integrating plant medicine experiences, you never arrive at a specific destination; it is a process that unfolds over time.

Certain journeys may take several weeks or months to integrate. It may also take time to come to a state of equilibrium where things in your life feel balanced, peaceful and stable.

What does Integration Coaching Involve?

Preparation for Plant and Indigenous Medicines

Your coach will help you prepare an understanding of the following topics before your experience.

Navigating the Experience

Your coach will educate you and help you prepare mentally for navigating the altered state of consciousness brought on by the medicine. Each coach will teach techniques on how to stay calm, grounded and let go during the journey, how to work through fear and anxiety, the different types of awareness people have during a psychedelic session, various forms of healing that happen with various medicines, how to work with things like ego death and challenging aspects of psychedelic work, and techniques to work on self-talk. Your coach will help you to identify the right tools for you so that you feel confident approaching this powerful experience.

Integration after your Journey

Your coach will be the anchor that keeps you grounded in your experience, helping you to recognize old patterns that arise, and helping you to implement the changes that you desire to implement in your life. Integration is the process of integrating what you know with what you have learned. You are not solely transcending the former parts of yourself, you are transcending and including the parts of your past and current self that are true to you. You are reintegrating all the aspects of yourself that have previously been lost, in order to be whole. You are releasing the shadow personalities that have developed alongside you in your desire to feel better or experience more. Integration is the process of refining your true self. Integration coaching for several weeks following the experience is the best way to get the most out of your experience.

Benefits of Integration Coaching

Integration, Life, Spiritual Coaching

Package #1

1 Hour of Coaching


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Package #2

3 Hours of Coaching


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Package #3

6 Hours of Coaching


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Ceremony Preparation for 1st Timers

Pre journey preparation coaching


(plus price of selected medicine)
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ready to connect?

We are an organization whose primary purpose is to support the expansion of consciousness of each human being and to educate them in the maintenance of healthy lifestyles. We welcome all paths and all spiritual traditions.

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