Which Type of Meditation is Right for You

September 22, 2021

You’ve probably heard that meditation can be a great tool to decrease symptoms of depression, anxiety and reduce stress. You may have already tried it once or twice at the end of your yoga class and want to dive deeper but don’t know where to start. Here’s a short guide of six styles of meditation to help you choose the right one for you.

Mindfulness Meditation
This type of meditation involves focusing on your breath. Whenever you get distracted by a sound, a thought, a movement - just acknowledge it and observe it. Then, slowly shift your focus back to breathing. Mindfulness meditation is a great stress reliever.

Mantra Meditation
Here, instead of only breathing, you repeat a mantra. A mantra can be anything from a sound to a phrase. You can simply repeat “I am calm” when you want to calm down, or you can chant a mantra that you learned somewhere else.

Moving Meditation
If the first two styles make you more anxious than relaxed, try a moving meditation. If a random flow doesn’t come naturally, try walking and synchronizing your breath with your footsteps. Walking and breathing can help you distract yourself from anxious thoughts.

Visualization Meditation
This style is great for when you want to manifest a certain goal in your life. Try to visualize your goal to see it, feel it, smell it, and hear it. Your brain responds to this mental image which can help you get to your desired outcome.

Body Scanning Meditation
If you feel the stress physically in your body (for example through a tense jaw or back), try body scanning meditation. It involves focusing on each part of your body, one by one, and releasing tension from it. Once you go through all your body, you will feel more relaxed and relieved.

Gazing Meditation
This style is great for improving concentration and attention. Gazing meditation involves looking at an object that has a meaning for you. It can be a symbol, a religious object, a candle or even a picture.

How to Meditate?
The time you take to meditate doesn’t really matter, as the most important factor is consistency. Even a few minutes every day is going to benefit you in the long run. With time, you will be able to meditate longer and you will see its benefits: being more mindful and grounded.

Remember that meditation has no rules. Just try to make it work for you and you will find your best style of practice. Good luck!

Inspired by: https://yogainternational.com/article/view/which-type-of-meditation-is-right-for-you

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