Six Fundamental Human Needs We Need To Meet To Live Our Best Lives

May 4, 2021

Living Our Best Lives – Fundamental Human Needs

When things get tough in life, we have this deep urge to cut everything back to the essentials. Minimalism, less-is-more trends – these are strategies to make sure that we are getting our most basic needs met daily without unnecessary distractions.

A psychologist Abraham Maslow proposed a theory that is called the Hierarchy of Human Needs. He published it in the 1940s and it has become the most cited reference of human needs. However, now we can benefit from nearly 75 years of psychology, neuroscience, and sociology research beyond what was known in Maslow’s time.

A modern list of six human needs

  1. Food – We need food such as protein, fat, and carbohydrates every day. Without food, the body begins to atrophy.
  2. Water – If not hydrated, the body cannot run essential processes. 
  3. Shelter – We need protection from sun, frost, wind. Otherwise, human skin and organs are damaged from extreme temperatures.
  4. Sleep – 6–9 hours of sleep every 24 hours allows the brain to process new knowledge and deal with emotional information.
  5. Others – Adults require connection (physical or emotional) with other humans to release certain hormones such oxytocin and maintain a sense of well-being. Human touch is very important to the extent that children that are deprived of it don’t develop correctly. 
  6. Novelty – Opportunities to learn and the potential to fail, which stimulate dopamine release in the brain and boosts motivation. 

When these six needs are met, we can develop self-esteem, security, belonging, actualization, and the other expressions of contentedness that Maslow described. Maslow was first to study contented and successful people. Before, psychology focused on people who were not accomplished, who suffered from mental illness.

We live in a world where coaching, therapy, and personal development are tools to support people in achieving goals. Meeting these six modern needs daily entails high motivation, well-being, and physical stamina to seek out physical exercise, emotional stimulation, and creative expression.

Unfortunately, when people go for a long time without having these needs met, it will be difficult for them to acknowledge it. For example, a person who has grown up without deep connection to others will insist that they prefer to live as a loner. 

We have natural protective mechanisms that occur when the needs are unfulfilled. We develop beliefs that justify we’re better off. We’re in denial. The truth is that every single person on this planet needs food, water, shelter, sleep, others, and novelty on a regular basis to be their best selves.

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