Isolation Changes the Way We See the World. That’s Why Shamans Do It.

September 17, 2021

Intentional social isolation is an integral part of Amazonian shamanic practices. What can we learn from it?

The twentieth century brought about many changes in people’s lives. We live faster, work faster, do everything faster until we can barely take a moment to breathe. COVID-19 made us all stop. For the first time in years or even decades, we were forced to stay at home and do nothing.

For Amazon communities, viruses and isolation are nothing new. When Europeans arrived there in the 17th century, they brought a lot of diseases that caused death to 90% of the indigenous population.

One of the lessons learned from these experiences was voluntary isolation by inhabiting remote regions to up their chances to survive. Intentional isolation continues today in an ascetic practice called dieta (diet in Spanish) which assumes a spiritual relationship with plants, animals and landscapes.

Silent self-isolation can be a great tool for sharpening the senses, getting in touch with nature, or taking part in shamanic practices such as plant medicine dieting.

With COVID-19 came a long period of involuntary self-isolation, which is a unique opportunity to appreciate the value of silence and solitude in the same way the Amazonian communities do.

Self-isolation proves that inaction is actually action. It is a necessary step back from a “normal” life to survive, but most importantly, to reflect and appreciate.

Is Silence a Teacher?

A traditional dieta is a practice in which an initiate spends up to a few years in a forest with basic and bland food supply. They vow abstinence from any pleasures such as sex or alcohol. This results in a heightened sensitivity which can be further enhanced by consuming small amounts of master plants. However, even without the plants, the experience makes people realize how difficult it is to stay inactive or to be bored. Being still becomes challenging, which is why it can be an eye-opening experience.

Evolving by Doing Nothing

In his popular essay “The Coronation”, Charles Eisenstein wrote:

When the crisis subsides, we might have occasion to ask whether we want to return to normal, or whether there might be something we’ve seen during this break in the routines that we want to bring into the future.”

COVID-19 and the long time of world-wide quarantine may be a motor for changing people’s perception of health, wellness, and life in general. It is an opportunity for us to take a step back and be still for a while, reflect on our lives and the future. There is a great potential for us to look for solutions in isolation and in being still rather than seeking them somewhere out there. Can we take this opportunity and make the most of it?

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