September 17, 2021

If approached wisely and maturely, psychedelics may give us profound visions into our subconscious mind. They can unravel our dysfunctional patterns, unhealthy habits, and help us reconstruct them into positive ones. This doesn’t happen without the cycle of ups and downs. The ego, when undermined, will fight back. But insights from psychedelic experiences can help us learn how to better respond to difficult life events and crises, such as, for example, the current global pandemic, which is affecting all of us. They can help us deal with uncertainty, anxiety, and unpredictability of life.

We’re modeled by family, culture, education. They define us. We internalize how things should go. This feeling of comfort of self-definition is the source of all suffering. When experienced with failure or loss, we’re devastated. We spend days, weeks dwelling on what happened, how to reverse it, even if we know that we can’t. Psychedelics help to see through this system of beliefs, to realize that we need to silence this societal conditioning, shatter all illusions, to hear our inner voice.

In profound psychedelic experiences, your soul can wander off so far from your body that it loses all connection to it. Once you see your own death and make peace with it, nothing in the world can be taken as seriously as you had taken it before.

You can come to a point where your limitations and emotions don’t control you. You can realize there’s something else out there, a universal powerful intelligence, an eternity governed by different rules than our earthly life. Your abilities of reasoning and reflection can sharpen. You can find out who you are, what your purpose is, become more aligned with your values. You can see that life is far bigger than you.

We can choose how we respond to difficult life events, crisis. We can be grateful for confusion, as it gives us a new challenge to find our center. We can be grateful for change, as it teaches us to let go. Everything changes, everything passes. So do tragic events, loss, or crisis.

Inspired by: https://kahpi.net/psychedelic-drugs-experiences-overcome-crisis-pain-suffering/

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