Naturopathic, Holistic, Homeopathic & Herbal

Naturopathic Coaching - addresses diet, supplementation and nutrition, the structural body, movement, tissue integrity, symptom expression, illness predisposition and risks, biological optimization/biohacking, and more. Consulting may begin with a specific complaint, part of the body, or experience and will be approached with a holistic value based understanding. If you are unsure where to begin, this service provides a foundation for further individualized wellness tools and support.

Holistic Counseling - explores a complaint to discover limiting beliefs and deepen personal understanding. Clients are asked to consider aspects of their experience which brings clarity to the choices they have over their state of being. The mind plays a very powerful role in our physical body and when we change our beliefs, we alter how our physical form functions. When choice is revealed, change is triggered and a new story can be written. This service enables one to gain awareness of the role they play in creating their experience, with the support needed to tell a new story.

Homeopathic Coaching - addresses symptom relief of acute or chronic complaints, re-energizes the body and its vital force, and creates harmony within systems. Homeopathy is a centuries old therapy based on the principle of ‘like cures like’ and the memory of water. These principles of nature allow a remedy, which creates a certain symptomatology when given to a healthy individual, to be utilized in creating wellness in an individual suffering a similar symptom picture. A non-pharmaceutical modality, homeopathy tunes the body into harmony with the use of naturally occurring remedies, frequency and quantum level tissue support. This gentle and effective tool can be used from first aid to constitutional support of the body and eliminates dis-ease at a deep level.

Herbal Offering - offering includes a 25 minute consult and 3 ounce individualized herbal blend of organic plants to address any support seeking or intention setting. The medicine and healing which herbal allies have to offer is best harnessed via ceremony and intention. This blend may be used in ways of sipping, smudging, steaming, soaking or smoking, depending on the intended use and individual. Conducting a ceremony with this personal herbal blend can support you in bringing awareness and healing to the energy of your body and intention. Intentions may vary and can include support around integration, cleansing and detoxifying, immunity, addictions, sleep and dreaming, and any other intention you can envision!

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Health and Wellness Coach, Integration Coach, Naturopathic Doctor, Musician

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I had the pleasure of participating in the breathwork session last Sunday, and it was truly incredible. I'd like to express my immense gratitude to Maestra Aditya and her entire team for the positive energy they radiate and the transformative experiences they provide for people's spirits.

Khrystyna 02/21/2024




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Packages for Naturopathic, Homeopathic and Holistic Coaching

Initial Consult


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1 Hour Of Coaching


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Herbal Offering


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We are an organization whose primary purpose is to support the expansion of consciousness of each human being and to educate them in the maintenance of healthy lifestyles. We welcome all paths and all spiritual traditions.

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